Package com. mayakapps. compose. windowstyler
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The type of the window backdrop/background.
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The preferred corner shape of the window.
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data class WindowFrameStyle( val borderColor: Color = Color.Unspecified, val titleBarColor: Color = Color.Unspecified, val captionColor: Color = Color.Unspecified, val cornerPreference: WindowCornerPreference = WindowCornerPreference.DEFAULT)
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Styles for the window frame which includes the title bar and window border.
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Style manager which lets you update the style of the provided window using the exposed properties.
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Applies the provided styles to the current window.
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fun WindowStyleManager( window: Window, isDarkTheme: Boolean = false, backdropType: WindowBackdrop = WindowBackdrop.Default, frameStyle: WindowFrameStyle = WindowFrameStyle()): WindowStyleManager
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Creates a suitable WindowStyleManager for window or a stub manager if the OS is not supported.