An in-memory coroutine-safe versatile cache that stores objects by keys.
It can be built using the following syntax:
val cache = InMemoryKache<String, String>(maxSize = 100) {
strategy = KacheStrategy.LRU
// Other configuration
See also
Configuration for InMemoryKache. It is used as a receiver of InMemoryKache builder.
Clears the cache, calling EntryRemovedListener on each removed entry with evicted
set to false
Removes all expired keys and their corresponding values from the cache.
Returns a KacheKeys object containing all keys in the cache, including under-creation keys.
Returns the value corresponding to the given key, or null
if such a key is not present in the cache.
Returns the value corresponding to the given key, or defaultValue if such a key is not present in the cache.
Returns the value corresponding to the given key if it exists or is currently being created, or defaultValue otherwise.
Returns a read-only Set of keys currently under creation.
Cancels all in-progress creations.
Remove entries from the cache until the size is less than or equal to size.